What is a weed?

“What is a weed?  A plant whose virtues have never been discovered.“  Ralph Waldo Emerson

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Watering seems to be fascinating to my toddler.

Watering seems to be fascinating to my toddler.

Gardening season is really picking up now.  I am trying to spend as much time in the garden as possible with my daughter.  Remembering that all plants are new to her is hard.  I almost had her pull weeds yesterday, then realized she will not be able to differentiate between weeds and plants.  I foresaw her picking all plants out of our pots.

Petting the plants gently!

Petting the plants gently!

After all, weeds also can be wondrous to her.  And what is a weed?  Clover is a weed to many, yet a groundcover to many as well.  I’m working on a moss garden and small clover will look nice there. 




So, I’m sticking with trying to get her to not pull leaves off plants.  I keep repeating to “pet them gently”, the same as I say for the cat.  It took about 6 months to not grab the cat.  Hopefully she picks it up with plants before the winter freeze. 

I pick the weeds while she isn’t watching. 


